***If you aren’t seeing the most current consignments – please clear caches or previous search results on your mobile device!

Welcome to Osborne Producers LLC

Please call with consignments so we have a good idea of numbers!

July 24th – No Sale

July 31st – Special Calf Sale

Off Cow:

160)s/h/charx/2 rd vacc/GO/650-750#

40)s/h/charx/2 rd vacc/GO/7-800#


15)hfrs/blk/red/weaned long time/2 rd vac/GO

August 7th – No Sale

August 14th – Regular Sale

August 21st – No Sale

August 28th – Special Calf Sale

*dates subject to change with weather

If you have a consignment or questions, please call Rod at 785-545-6066 or the barn at 785-346-2351